리더십과 모티베이션 수업을 신청했다.
새로운 교수님과 어떤 공부와 토론을 나눌지 너무 기대가 된다.
첫날은 교수님 얼굴을 보지 못하고 Syllabus만 받았다.
많은 생각을 하고 석사과정을 신청했지만 학사과정 때 처럼의 학습도 토의도 토론도 없다.
무언가를 얻어가기 위해서 새로운 교수님에게는 다른 무언가를 기대하고 싶다.
1. purpose of the class
- to provide students with general configuration of leadership lirerature
- to help student to understand and cherish various aspects of leadership
- to develop scientific ways of thinking in students minds
2. text
1. 리더십리뷰, 2016, 창민사
2. Leadership on Organizition, prentice hall
3. schedule (Qusetion)
1. wht leadership is important?
2. are leader born?
3. are korean leaders diffrent from american leaders?
4. is cision a must in leading people?
5. is participative leadership always
6. who would you hire: ethical but incompetent leader vs. ynetical but competent leader?
7. are female ceos more effective leaders than male ceos?
8. wht are some micro-manging leaders successful?
9. can leadership traning change leaders?
4. mid-term exam, final exam, group project, class paricipation
'레벨업' 카테고리의 다른 글
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추종자중심이론-팔로워십(Kelly,1992) (0) | 2018.05.03 |
4.1 리더십 상황이론_피들러의 리더십 상황이론(Fiedler,1967) (0) | 2018.04.11 |
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